Ruzhinskaya Y.E., Isakova L.M., Tretjak N.N.

Flow cytofluorometry was applied to study parameters of the cell cycle in bone marrow samples of myelodysplastic patients. Analysis of the findings suggests about dependence of the duration of the resting phase G0/1 on the number of blasts. More mature myeloid cells (phases S+G2/M) were proliferatively active. At the same time, the number of cells in the bone marrow’s proliferative pool varied compared to control in a wide range suggesting about inefficient haemopoiesis in myelodysplastic patients. Marker cytokinetic parameters are identified which, along with clinical/hematological, cytological, cytogenetic, and other specifics, can serve as prognostic criteria of the course of the disease and general survivability of myelodysplastic patients.

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