V.F. Chekhun, I.V. Shepelenko, N.Yu. Lukianova, T.V. Zadvoryi, T.V. Borikun
RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Summary. Aim: to analyse or identify current trends in structural and infrastructural changes in the activities of Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCC) in Europe on the example of the targeted CCI4EU Project (Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures for Europe) under the HORIZON EUROPE Coordination and Support Actions Programme ‘Research and Innovation actions supporting the implementation of the Mission on Cancer’, which is implemented by 53 cancer-related entities (Cancer Centres, University clinics, leading academic institutions, etc.). The current state and trends in the development of CCC and Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs) in Europe are described, definitions of the main concepts that are the subject of the Project, as well as its goals and objectives aimed at strengthening, improving and standardising cancer infrastructure in the EU and candidate countries are presented. Information is provided on the planned activities and ways to implement CCI4EU initiatives. In particular, the CCI4EU Project proposes to support medical institutions in improving existing or future CCIs, which should provide quality care and resources to improve and integrate specialised care, research and education. The emphasis is planned on developing their scientific, innovative and digital capabilities and their integration with the diagnostic and treatment process for cancer patients. In addition, in compliance with the objectives of the Cancer Mission, the overall goal of the CCI4EU Project is not only to improve cancer prevention, treatment and diagnosis, but also to increase the innovation and digital capacity of health systems. Through effective cooperation between the 27 EU Member States and 5 associated countries, CCI4EU will facilitate the building of a single platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices in online and offline formats. As part of the CCI4EU Project, three major regional offline conferences and a Stakeholder Forum are planned. Thus, the CCI4EU European project is an important step towards creating a more effective and accessible cancer care system in Europe, which will help to unite the efforts of scientists, practitioners, politicians, government officials and patient organisations to achieve a common goal — to overcome cancer.
Keywords: European targeted Project CCI4EU, Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures, maturity model, cancer care quality
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