Zadvornyi T.V.1, Borikun T.V.2, Lukianova N.Yu.1, Vitruk Yu.V.1, Stakhovsky Е.О.2, Chekhun V.F.1

The need for early diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) and the choice of optimal treatment tactics encourage the search and introduction of new, more sensitive, specific and effective diagnostic and predictive markers into the clinical practice. The most promising in this direction is the use of miRNAs. It has been shown that they have a significant advantage over other biomarkers due to their stability, since miRNA profile changes in the early stages of carcinogenesis. Aim: to investigate the level of miRNA-126, -205 and -214 expression in blood serum and tumor tissue from patients with benign and malignant neoplasms of the prostate and evaluate the possibility of their use as diagnostic and prognostic markers. Object and methods: The research was conducted on the clinical material of 70 patients with stage II and III PCa and 20 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The control of the miRNAs in the peripheral blood of 20 healthy donors served as control. Expression of miRNA-126, -205 and -214 in blood serum and tumor tissue was determined by RT-PCR. Results: the development of neoplasms in the prostate gland has been shown to be accompanied by a change in the expression of miRNA-126 and miRNA-205 and -214 both in tumor and in blood serum. We observed a decrease in the miRNA-126 levels is serum from PCa and BPH patients, at the same time, the levels of miRNA-214 and -205 were increased in comparison with healthy donors. The le­vels of all investigated miRNAs were higher in tissue of PCa when compared with BPH samples. We established a link between the expression of the investigated miRNAs in serum and tumor tissue with such clinical and patho­logical charac­teristics of PC as age, cancer stage, pre­sence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, Glison score and PSA level. Conclusion: the obtained results indicate the connection of miRNA-126, -205 and -214 expression in blood serum and tumor tissue with the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with PCa. This evidence proves the involvement of these miRNAs in the development of the malignancy degree of PCa, and substantiates the need to conti­nue the study of the proposed miRNAs panel for their use as additional prognostic and diagnostic markers.

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