In research it is included 115 patients with skin melanoma stage I–IV with the localization of the primary tumor. The study of functional activity and phe- notypic characteristics of the activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with melanoma at diffe- gen-induced lymphocyte response using subagglutina- ting dose of PHA decreased at all stages of the disease, and during generalization, it also reduced with aggluti- nating dose. Tumor progression is accompanied by in- crease of spontaneous apoptosis and inhibition of effec- tor functions (cytotoxic activity) of immune cells. The use of these immunological parameters in a complex examination of patients with skin melanoma will reveal the individual characteristics of the tumor process, pre- dict the biological response of the organism to biothe- rapy, and thus to optimize the tactics of their treatment. rent stages of the disease showed that in the early stages of the disease the proportion of lymphocytes expressing the activation antigens increases, and the proliferation of tumor exacerbated this trend. With the acquisition of lymphocyte activation phenotype the content of regula- tory T-cells in the circulation increases. In patients with stage I–II proliferative response of T lymphocytes dur- ing their activation via the CD3-TCR-receptor complex is much higher than normal values. Metastasis of me- lanoma negates the effect by reducing the anti-CD3-in- duced T-cell response to values in healthy people. Mito-
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