L. Kovalevska1, A. Matveeva1, I. Tytorenko2, I. Kryachok2

1 RE Kavetsky Institute of experimental pathology, oncology and radiobiology of National Academy of sciences of Ukraine,
2 The state non-profit enterprise “National Cancer Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine



The treatment of hematological diseases is one of the most complex problems of modern medicine. It is known that humoral immunity is based on B-lymphocytes, which at the terminal stages of differentiation turn into antibody-forming immunoblasts and plasma cells. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) develops with a significant increase in phenotypically mature but immunocompetent B lymphocytes, that are characterized by the presence of atypical patterns of marker expression. The reasons for the inhibition of the cell signaling pathway responsible for proliferation and apoptosis in mature B lymphocytes of patients with CLL are extremely important, but still poorly understood. In-depth analysis of the key players of signaling cascades and transcription factors that are functionally suppressed in CLL will improve the prognosis of the disease and help develop personalized treatment for such patients.

Keywords: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, transcription factors, apoptosis, nuclear antigens EBNA, EBNA-2, membrane proteins LMP, LMP-1, malignant transformation, proliferation




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