Tataryn B.B.1, Kryzhanivska A.E.1, Golotyuk I.S.2, Semeniv I.P.1
- 1State Institution «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»
- 2Municipal Institution «Precarpathian Clinical Oncology Center», Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Aim: To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of rectal cancer (RC) patients by studying prognostic factors and individualizing treatment. Object and Methods: The study is based on the observation of 779 RC patients. Such prognostic factors as tumor localization, patient age at diagnosis, gender, and degree of G tumor differentiation were subject to study and evaluation. All participants were allocated according to the stage of the disease (TNM system), patients with stage II, III and IV RC were included in the study. The results obtained were analyzed by comparing the indicators in the subgroups of each stage and together for the total number of patients, determining their effect on overall survival (OS). Results: In determining the influence of the degree of differentiation of tumor G, it was found that the best indicators of OS had patients with stage III RC with moderate degree of G2 differentiation. When comparing 4-year OS, the proportion of surviving patients with G1 RC is 20.6; G2 — 33.8; G3 — 0.0% (p = 0.01). At stage II and stage IV no correlation between patients’ OS and the degree of tumor differentiation was observed. In the analysis of the prognostic factor of the location of the primary tumor localization, the best OS parameters were observed in patients with stage II RC at tumor localization in the recto-sigmoid colon (p = 0.02); patients with stage III and IV RC have no dependence on OS and tumor localization. Conclusions: The degree of tumor differentiation G demonstrates a relationship (p = 0.01) with OS of patients with stage III RC. The site (p = 0.02) of patients with stage II RC significantly depends on the location of the tumor.
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